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UAZ with a trailer with working lighting equipment based on WPL

Oleg Pleskach assembled a UAZ based on WPL, which is interesting in itself, and added a trailer with fully working lighting equipment. Video in full.

The database for this model can be purchased on the Official WPL website

Hunting for coupons from WPL


The Easter Egg Hunt in April was super fun!
So we reintroduce for WPL Christmas Coupon Hunt!
Coupon 1 is now placed in the store! Sample as below!
Tips : Text
  • only 10 coupons per week
  • use it immediately after you found it as everyone is eligible
  • min purchase of US$50
If the code doesn't work, it's either all 10 is used or you didn't hit the min US$50 spend. Look out again next week.
I'll comment here whenever I have placed the next coupon.
Visit www.wpl-rc.com to start hunting for your christmas gift now!
Good luck and Merry Christmas!


WPL launched a referral program

WPL launched a referral program, which means that now everyone can earn money by promoting the company's products. To participate in the program, follow the link on the official website.



New model of WPL - D12

      So, thanks to Edward from WPL, we quickly received a new manufacturer's model - D12-for review. The model is positioned by the manufacturer as a drift car. Here you need to explain that this car in 1:1 scale is a popular model in China and is really used by fans as a car for drifting. Even at the stage of development of the model, the manufacturer stated that this model is produced, in fact, in the interests of the Chinese market, where this car is very popular.


Custom tires for Russian / Soviet car models based on WPL


Vyacheslav finished the rubber. Soon it will go to the series. On the manufacturer's page, you can find videos with the softness of rubber.


WPL c24 the "Candy Red" making and 3d printed mods

WPL prepared a radio control kit version 3


WPL prepared a radio control kit version 3. In addition to sound, light, steering servo control, transmission and winch in the new version added:

1. Output for external speed controller (Esc).
2. Added automatic braking on low gear (on high it is disabled)
3. Improved radio signal, remote control communication with the receiver.
4. The smoothness of the gas became better.
5. The gear shift button is also a mode selection button with or without automatic brake, for single-speed transmissions.

A review of the kit will be prepared by the "WPL rc models" group in Vkontakte, and we will immediately post it on our website.



Appeal to the management of the WPL plant


So, we decided to contact the manufacturer WPL with a request to release the model KAMAZ-5350))) Edward said that the planning of new models is possible not earlier than two years, so we have enough time to collect a huge number of signatures)))

WPL plant management


Dear Sirs!

We, the undersigned, ask you to consider our wishes when releasing the following models of your company.

We would very much like to see a model of KAMAZ-5350 and KAMAZ-4350 under the brand name WPL.


Motivating our appeal, we want to tell you what advantages, in our opinion, for the manufacturer can be in the production of this model.

  1. KAMAZ-4350/5350 has a two-axis and three-axis scheme (drive 4x4, 6x6), which makes it possible to use as a base frame and units WPL B-24 and WPL B-36. Thus, the cost of production of the new model is significantly reduced.
  2. The release of a new model with minimal costs will allow to direct funds to the development of upgrades and other models.
  3. KAMAZ-5350/4350 will coincide in scale with the WPL B-36, which will ensure high sales of this model, this model will be purchased by all who have already purchased the B-36.
  4. The KAMAZ brand is known all over the world, in particular thanks to the military vehicles of the brand and the performances of their cars on the Paris-Dakar route. Brand awareness will also boost sales of the model.
  5. KAMAZ model can be used as a basis for the production of many modifications of KAMAZ cars, and, therefore, will be interesting for fans of tuning, building models.
  6. KAMAZ models will be of particular interest to modelers in Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Eastern Europe.
  7. The popularity of this model is evidenced by the poll organized by us, in which modelers from Russia and other countries participated.

Sincerely, the undersigned.



You can vote for the petition by posting a comment " yes "" + " in the form of Facebook or Vkontakte under this article. Other comments will be deleted. For discussion of the petition there will be a separate topic in the group or on the website 

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Бочка 200 литров

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